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Will it hurt?

Not normally. Some people with extremely sensitive ears can experience mild discomfort, however this is likely to be the case whichever clearance method they choose to undergo.


Is the procedure safe?

Yes. There is sometimes a bit of noise as the wax is suctioned away but the treatment is both safe. Our staff are highly skilled professionals with years of experience and relevant training.


When can I get back to work?

Straightaway with no down time. Thats why we can even perform this while you are at work


How long does it take?

Each ear can take between 5-10minutes but there is a consultation beforehand that can take another 10-15minutes


Can I fly  or drive afterwards?

Yes, as the inner canal is not touched so this will not affect your balance. Although some people may be unbalanced by the vacuuming during procedure but fine afterwards


Do I need to be referred by my GP?

No, just book and appointment or give us a call and we will do the rest.


How often do I need my ear cleaned?

After your procedure, we will give give you the advise you need to avoid further wax accumulation but if you think that your ear needs further cleaning then contact us and will book you in for a FREE consultation.

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